Company information

JSE Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 2005/022939/06
Share code: JSE
ISIN: ZAE000079711

Registered office
One Exchange Square
2 Gwen Lane
Sandown, 2196

Postal address
Private Bag X991174 Sandton, 2146

Group company secretary
Graeme Brookes
[email protected]

Transfer secretary
JSE Investor Services Proprietary Limited 1
9 Ameshoff Street Johannesburg, 2001

Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)
1 Merchant Place
Corner Fredman and Rivonia Road
Sandton, 2196

AGM scrutineers
The Meeting Specialist Proprietary Limited
One Exchange Square 2 Gwen Lane Sandown, 2196

Ernst & Young Inc.
102 Rivonia Road
Sandton, 2196

First National Bank of SA Limited
Corporate Account Services
4 First Place
Bank City
Simmonds Street
Johannesburg, 2001